Jason Wu Target Line

I have a list of things that make me extremely happy.
This list includes things like:
68 degree days
Boudin bread fresh from the store
finding that perfect new shirt/skirt/dress
hugging loved ones
making lists
taking the perfect picture
and then there's Target.

Without a doubt, when I need a good pick-me-up
I go to Target. My mom and close friends knew that if
they ever wanted to find me, look for the Target sign.
It's my happy place. I don't even need to buy anything, I just
like to look around.
But now Jason Wu has a new line for Target coming out on
Sunday and I. Am. Excited.

Let's just say I would totally camp out for this like a
middle schooler waiting for Twilight.
I want this cat shirt from the commercial... please?
I'd wear this every day until someone made
a comment.
I could use a new bag...
I yelled at the TV I got so excited when I saw
this dress in the commercial.
All the above please.

What about you? Are you excited?

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