3 Weeks

I only have 3 weeks left of school.
It's a crazy, crazy thought. 

When we first arrived it seemed that we had all this time to be here, learn the language,
fit in with the locals (never going to happen), and ultimately learn how to survive
in a small Italian town and then all of a sudden we only have 3 weeks left.
After I return home, I want to sit down and fully digest all that happened to me while abroad
and all the experiences I encountered. I want to grab these memories like a bundle of
flowers and store them someplace I can reach again and again when I feel the need to
remember that person I was when I first turned 20 and decided to study abroad. 

And at the end of these 3 weeks my amazing parents are coming and I couldn't
be more excited. :) 

Time definitely flies when you're having fun. 

1 comment:

lauren jean allece said...

It goes by in a blink but I promise you, the memories and the lessons and the love for another "home" never leave you! Enjoy these last three weeks of excitement, growth and, of course, "being still" and savoring the moment :)