I Have to Admit Something...

I'm slightly embarrassed to say this but I recently deleted someone off Facebook because
she is in Orvieto right now, on the same program I was on, and I just can't
bear to look at her constant stream of photos. 

I think I can't bear to see her photos and hear her stories because that's my place. That's where
I met some incredible people, experienced new things, and I don't want to look at 
someone else's photos and have it change my view of Orvieto. 

I don't want to see Orvieto through anyone else's eyes, only mine. Is that selfish?
I think it has a little bit to do with self preservation and helping with my adjustment
back to regular life. 

Maybe eventually I'll be able to hear other peoples stories of Orvieto. But for now I
want to keep my memories locked safe within my head, this blog, and my pictures.

1 comment:

MMB said...

I totally get it. When I came back, I was kind of the opposite. I felt the need to share with EVERYONE who went to London or Costa Rica all of my absolute favorite things to do in these magical things. What I have come to accept is that my personal list of must-sees may be helpful, they may not be right for them. Study abroad experiences are such a valuable time of self-reflection and self-discovery. Day by day, it will get better. You aren't alone in how you feel!