I miss you Italy

 Lately I've been missing Italy something fierce. I think it may be because of how much Portland reminds me of my favorite little city. The weather, the delicious food everywhere, walking constantly, and the feeling of spring that occurs when you've experienced a winter. I remember the distinct feeling of that first spring day like it was yesterday. All of a sudden the trees were blooming, the hills were the greenest of greens and all the cold weather was 100% worth it. 
When I think about walking the tiny streets and stumbling over the cobblestones, I find myself breathing easier and a general calm washes over me. It's been three years now since I lived in that beautiful place and I miss it every day.

 It was the first time I traveled alone, booked trips without the help of parents, let loose more than I ever had, drank delicious wine, and fully allowed myself to create a home somewhere. I will always have a piece of my heart in Orvieto. I have a feeling that whenever I return, all the old feelings will flood back and it will feel like home again. I can't wait to bring someone with me and show them all my old haunts and hope that they can love it a little bit too. 

As much as I miss that little town on the hill, I know I'll return. :)

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