My Wish List

I recently stumbled upon this website and it blew me away!
How perfect is that yellow coat and the sweater and that shirt and the navy coat??
I love how the yellow coat could add a burst of color to the more drab and neutral
colors of winter. I would be extremely happy if any of these articles of clothing found 
a home in my closet. 

This week is midterm week (and the week after that- ugh) so it's going to be pretty quiet 
around these parts for a little while. My dad comes on Thursday (!!!) for Family Weekend
so I'll have some updates from his trip when I return. :)
I'll miss you all as I am drowning under books and college-ruled paper.  


Nicole Marie said...

thank you for that site!! obsessed with so many things!

MMB said...

Why did you share this site? haha such a dangerous find!