Welcoming in the New Year


It's 2015!! That still looks so weird to me. 
Welcome to the new year and a new design and name for my blog! I thought it would be appropriate and fun to change up the name for this new season in my life. Several days ago my friend and I sat in my kitchen and thought of names for a good long while until "Why Knot" popped up. I instantly loved it because that's the mentality I would like to have for this new year. We added the "k" in the front so it is more of a play on words and more lighthearted.


I have big dreams and plans for this new year. We rang the new year in at Disneyland (more on that later) and despite freezing temperatures in LA (I'm not exaggerating!), we had a blast. This is the year of fresh starts, new adventures and fun possibilities. By mid-year I could be living across the country or I could still be in California and the unknowns of it all are pretty darn exciting and terrifying all at once. But exhilarating to say the least. 


I hope to open this new year with open arms and to start getting busy! I want to take this blog to new heights, I want to enjoy wherever I get a job, I want to do well in the 2 classes I have to take, I want to spend more time with family and meet some new friends here and ultimately, I want to have fun and be productive with this time! God has a great plan in store and I can't wait to see the path he has designed for me. Already, the weekend that I turn 22 has me listening to Bob Goff speak at our church here so I know big things are about to happen in my life. If anyone can light a fire under your feet, it's Bob Goff. :) 

I hope your new years celebrations were wonderful and had you surrounded by loved ones! Having graduated in December, this new year really does feel like a new year and a new beginning for once and I can't wait to share those new beginnings with you. :)

Happy Friday!
(all photos taken over the weekend at Big Sur)


Allie said...

Love the new look and love your outlook on this new chapter! And Bob Goff - YES! Happy New Year, Allie!

Allie said...

Thanks!! I remember you seeing Bob Goff and loving him so I'm glad we can relate on how FANTASTIC he is!!